How exactly will Education Elements help me in my classroom?
- EE will come into KPBSD, and in addition to working at the district and school level, will also meet with individual teachers, in classrooms. EE will look at what is already in place, what needs exist, and will work on personalizing what an educator needs to successfully set up a plan to meet the needs of every student.
- Teachers will not need to reinvent wheel. EE will provide the guidance to assist teachers to design and implement new strategies.
- 25 kids … 25 needs! Some of those 25 need a challenge, some are on target, while others struggle. The responsibility of a teacher is to make sure every students receives what they need and deserve to progress and be successful. EE provides workshops and professional learning for school teams about defining personalized learning and the various ways PL can take place in schools and classrooms.”
- EE visits schools. The process begins with a Readiness Assessment, classroom observations, and talking with teachers and principals about what is currently happening in the school and classrooms.
- EE returns to schools with data collected from the previous visit in order to help design personalized learning environments throughout the school, and in all classrooms.
- Teachers and school teams continue to work with each other and EE to define and refine design plans for personalized learning. Once schools and teachers are comfortable with their designs, EE helps schools and teachers launch their personalized learning environments.
- Every 4-8 weeks, EE comes back to conduct school visits, check in with teachers, help adjust design plans, work directly with school teams and teachers to iterate PL instructional designs. This process can continue for 12 or more months, to ensure the instructional designs work for schools, teachers, and students.
- The district office will continually to provide support though this process.
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