Where do you want your learning to take you and how can KPBSD help you get there? #PLinKPBSD

Tag: Personalized Learning (Page 2 of 2)

Will kids spend the day stuck in front of a computer?

It sounds like we’re getting rid of teachers and putting kids on computers to do all of their work.


Unfortunately, a common misconception is that personalized learning efforts are simply a step toward replacing teachers with computers, which is unequivocally not true. With personalized learning, the teacher is more important than ever. The role shifts, however, from primarily delivering information to creatively facilitating and problem solving so all students can learn at high levels. Using real-time data, teachers frequently assess student progress, give immediate feedback, determine individual learning needs, and help them figure out the best path to success.

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Can PL really be for every student in a class?

Will teachers be able to truly apply a Personalized Learning approach to all students in a classroom? Won’t that be too much work for the teacher to manage?


Personalized learning has been around for decades, but the challenge has always been limited time and resources. Teachers often found it hard to manage because of the time it took to plan different lessons and find different activities and resources for each of the different needs of students. With a class of 25 students, how does a teacher find the time and resources to meaningfully meet the individual needs of students with such great diversity in every classroom?

The modern concept of personalized learning leverages technology tools, classroom organization, student ownership, and redefines the terms teaching and learning to help teachers truly meet the individual needs of students in their classrooms. Through this process, we create new classroom environments that allow students to do some work at their own pace, path and place, and some work directly with small group instruction from the teacher, which allows teachers to better focus instruction and target student needs.

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Who is Education Elements and what do they do?

Who is Education Elements and what do they do?


Education Elements (EE) helps school districts throughout the United States develop the tools teachers need, then works directly with teachers in schools to develop plans to leverage those tools to meet the needs of all students, regardless of ability levels.

Education Elements is not a program—it is a paradigm shift of redefining teaching and learning

Education Elements works with districts and teachers to help us do exactly what good teachers know need to be done

From a KPBSD conversation with a Yuma, Arizona superintendent: “They are very responsive & customized. They really synthesized our conversations and used them to help guide our schools and district.” And, “They are great problem solvers. They don’t endorse any particular product or company, but have all the information we needed to help us evaluate the options and make choices that fit our needs.”

PL Core Four Graphic

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